In an effort to make better food choices when I'm lazy I've decided to just make tacos when I don't feel like coocking or am to busy to think about what to make.(This is my very lazy but not entirly haphazard method for fixing bad food habits I've taken up lately.) Rather than making a post for ever slight variation of taco I make I'll post occasionally with the highlights.

The general plan is to keep certain things in stock like salsa, cheese, sour cream or crema, and masa(for making tortillas. You can just buy tortillas if you want.). The protien for the tacos will be whatever meat we have in the fridge. Some will have been specifically made for tacos, other times it will be lefotovers. I am currently experimenting with different types of corn. Using the same type of corn tortillas I decided to use for my tacos is not necessary, neither is using corn tortillas. flour is acceptable as well.